Stages That A Project Must Pass Through Before!

The Project has to go through various phases and stages before it can become a success. Each of these stages has important milestones that must be achieved. These milestones are the goals of each stage; they need to be met or else the project cannot continue, because if one step fails then the entire project could fail.

As an individual working on this project, everyone must know what they must do and as a team, you all need to work together, so that the project can move on to continue to work. The Sustainability Leadership has to work on the stages that are below in order to become a success.

Let's take a look at some of those stages and milestones. The following are the eight stages of a project.

  • Conceive - This is the first stage where you need to decide if the project is worth it or not. You need to decide whether this project will benefit your company, department, or people what you want to achieve from it in long run. It is recommended that if you don't have enough time or resources to make the plan, then you might want to postpone your idea for some other time.

  • Plan - Planning is where you start making a healthy plan about how the project will be created and done. It requires clear guidelines on what you want to achieve through this project; that's why it is a vital stage of a project.

Sustainable Tourism

  • Execute - This is the stage where you and your team need to start establishing what you created in the planning phase with resources and people available, executing is one of the most important stages as it is required for further steps of the project.

  • Control - Control here requires accurate monitoring and control of what is going on in the project. It includes checking, controlling, and making improvements to the project's goal until goals are achieved.

  • Sustain - In this stage, you need to make sure that your product or services which you have developed in previous stages meet the standards. That everything is running well from here on, making sure there are no errors.

  • Evaluate - In this stage, you need to be in a position where you can properly assess what has been achieved in your project and in what way it needs to be improved whether its goals or the procedures it is being developed from.

  • Deliver - After completing all previous stages you are in this stage where you have to finish up everything. You need to provide your product or services that were developed in the project to the consumer.

  • Transition - Transition works similarly as 'Sustain' but it is not exactly the same because while sustain refers to finishing up previous steps, the transition makes sure to complete the previous steps and start a new one.

This is a dynamic process. The stages can change or move around depending on what you want to achieve and how your project is going. However, the most important factor here is that each stage must be completed in order for the project to continue. This can be used on any sort of project, including a Sustainable Tourism initiative! For example, if one of these milestones fails then the whole plan could fail as well. You need to make sure that the milestones are met because if they aren't then it could be a huge problem!

These stages can also be used as a framework for any type of project. You must go through these steps, no matter what you want to achieve, or else your project cannot succeed. It all depends on how you adapt this for your specific project as well as which milestone you focus on.


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